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过去·现在·未来:解读中国改革开放 0

章百家 电子版 下载


本书已入围2015-2018丝路书香工程资助图书 图书分类:学术 图书标签:社会科学 语言:汉语 出版时间:2014-12 书号:9787119092720
出版社: 外文出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2016丝路书香工程资助图书
"In this book, the author tries to provide a concise introduction to the causes and effects of China(s reform and opening up, in particular with regard to the foLlowing issues:   Why did China embark on this reform and opening-up pohcyin the late 1970s and how did it reLate to the periods before it?   The distinct stages and their corresponding content, including the start of the reform and opening up, the transition of China's economic system, concurrent political restructuring and the development of democracy and rule oflaw, and the consequent changes to sociaL structures and ways ofthinking,   Progress towards nationaL reunification, Chinars resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao and the improvement in reLations across the Taiwan Straits.   The changes in relationship between China and the rest of the world, the adjustment of China's foreign poLicy, and the establishment of a multi- level and omnidirectional strategy of foreign relations.   The current status of reform and opening up, and new chaLlenges and responses after many years of rapid social and econ"