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拯救三江源 0

何伟 电子版 下载


本书已入围2015-2018丝路书香工程资助图书 图书分类:学术 图书标签:社会科学 语言:汉语 出版时间:2012-04 书号:9787514603699
出版社: 中国画报出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2018丝路书香工程资助图书
The Three Rivers Source area provides 25% of the waters ithe Yangtze River, 49% of the Yellow River, and 15% of the extra-boundary waters of the Lancang River, thereby earning for itself the name 'The Water Tower of China'. However, irecent decades, the ecological environment of the Three Rivers Source has suffered severe damage due to a binatioof natural and humanfactors. Determined to avert catastrophe, China has invested extensively ia series of projects iecologicai. protectioand reconstruction, elevating the initiatives to a nationwide campaign. Sustained by the support of central government, the Qinghai provincial government, and variouslevels of local governments, and by the joint actioof all ethnic groups ithe project area, the riversare ithe process of rediscovering their former glory.