
 蔼孙那檀(Nathaniel Isaacson),北卡罗来纳州立大学副教授。主要成果:翻译并出版了鲁迅、许念慈等中国文学巨匠的小说作品。   “2017年青年汉学家研修计划”共邀请来自美国、澳大利亚、英国、加拿大、智利、阿尔巴尼亚、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、印度、意大利等26个国家的27位优秀青年汉学家来华研修。蔼孙那檀作为美国学员代表来到北京语言大学研修。中国文化译研网(CCTSS)作为支持平台,参与组织、报道以及考察等工作。



Former President of the Jury of The Nobel Prize in Literature Visits CCTSS

On 17 November 2017, Mathias Lafolie, former President of the Jury of The Nobel Prize in Literature Visits CCTSS.

Renowned Swedish author Monica Lauritzen: Writing biographies is a means of endowing new life to lost worlds

On the morning of 17 November 2017, invited by the CCTSS, Monica Lauritzen, the renowned Swedish author, gave a lecture on the subject of "The Art of Female Biographies" for students and teachers at Beijing Language and Culture University.

Supported works for the Stage I of the “Mutual Translation Project of Philosophical and Cultural Classic Works from China and Latin America”

List of Supported works for the Stage I of the “Mutual Translation Project of Philosophical and Cultural Classic Works from China and Latin America”.
