2009年,葛亮完成其长篇小说代表作“南北书”之《朱雀》。故事发生在千禧年之交,苏格兰华裔青年许廷迈回到父亲的家乡南京留学,在秦淮河畔邂逅了神秘女子程囡,由此引生了三个世代的传奇。葛亮展示出非凡的创作力,写出雄浑大气、关于六朝古都南京的近代史诗。使人联想到五十年代生人的莫言在八十年代初捧出“红高粱家族”。长篇小说《北鸢》是继《朱雀》之后,历时七年完成的描摹中国近现代历史、家国兴衰“南北书”的第二部。小说开端于上世纪二十年代,以主人公卢文笙的成长起笔,襄城商贾世家卢氏与没落的士绅家族冯家的联姻为主线,书写中国最为丰盛起伏的断代。葛亮以家族故事为引,写知识分子、商人、伶人、普通人的日常生活,以厚重禀实的笔触书写了历史风云中两个家族的命运沉浮。文笔华美清雅,被誉为当今华语文学界“新古典主义小说的力作”。《人民日报》称“这部小说有《富春山居图》的色调,更有《清明上河图》的浩瀚,在素雅、平淡中不急不缓,却惊心动魄” 。批评家黄子平教授评价“葛亮创造了一种既古典又现代的文学叙事语言,既典重温雅又细致入微,写市井风情错落有致,写时代风云开阖有度,成就了独树一帜的抒情美学。”诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言则指出“葛亮有意识地在传承中国小说的传统、语言的力度与分寸的拿捏。中华传统文化中最灿烂的一部分,在《北鸢》的人物中得到了重现”。
葛 亮
Ge Liang
Ge Liang, male, born in 1978. Originally from Nanjing, he now lives in Hong Kong. Received his PhD in Chinese from Hong Kong University. Currently an associate professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. A Hong Kong member of the Chinese Writers Association. His works have been published in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He has written the novels Northern Kite (Bei Yuan), The Vermilion Bird (Zhu Que), Seven Tones (Qi Sheng), The Year of the Drama (Xi Nian), Enigma (Mi Ya), and Raccoon (Huan Xiong); as well as the cultural essays Painting Colors (Hui Se) and Small Mountains and Rivers (Xiao Shan He). His novels The Vermilion Bird and The Northern Kite were included among Yazhou Zhoukan’s list of “Top Ten Chinese Language Novels.” He received the 2016 “Great Books of China” award, a special prize from the review committee for the 2016 “Great Chinese-Language Book” award, the Top 5 Novels of 2016 award, the “Chinese Individual of 2016” award from Southern People Weekly, the “Writer of the Year” award from GQ China in 2017, the 2017 Writer of the Year Award from the CCTV program Two Shores (Hai Xia Liang An), the inaugural Hong Kong Book Award, and the Hong Kong Award for Artistic Development.
David Der-wei Wang, professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Harvard University, has called Ge Liang “one of the most anticipated contemporary Chinese-language novelists.” Media outlets have critiqued his writing as “calm, elegant, vividly coherent and scholarly in flavor; filled with calm curiosity for reality and history.” In his novels The Northern Kite and The Vermilion Bird, Ge Liang’s persisting patience, as well as his restriction and restraint in his prose, is akin to that of an austere scholar. He is also a writer with great narrative ambitions. With his dual perspective as both an insider and an outsider, his profound examination of history has made him a model to follow among young writers.
In 2009, Ge Liang completed The Vermilion Bird, a novel in his representative “Books of the North and South” (Nan Bei Shu) series of novels. The story begins at the dawn of the new millennium, when Scottish-Chinese youth Xu Tingmai studies abroad in his father’s home city of Nanjing. He meets a mysterious girl named Cheng Nan along the banks of the Qinhuai River, and from this, a legend spanning three generations begins. Ge Liang exhibits his considerable creativity in this vigorous and imposing tale about the modern history of Nanjing, China’s ancient capital. The book calls to mind Mo Yan’s work Red Sorghum.
Published seven years after The Vermilion Bird, The Northern Kite is the second entry in the author’s “Books of the North and South” series, which depicts modern Chinese history and the country’s rise and fall. The novel opens in the 1920s, and follows the growth of its protagonist Lu Wensheng. With two families at its center—the Lu clan, a prosperous merchant family in Xiangcheng county, Henan; and the declining gentry family, the Fengs—the novel depicts China’s most volatile period of wealth. While ostensibly the story of two families as a pretense, Ge Liang also depicts the daily lives of intellectuals, merchants, actors, and ordinary people; his profound and realistic style depicts the fluctuating fates of these two households caught in the ripples of history. Written with a markedly ornate and refined technique, The Northern Kite has been praised as “a tour de force of new classicism” in the world of contemporary Chinese writing. The People’s Daily wrote, “This novel is painted from the palette of the classic piece Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains and the boundlessness of Along the River During the Qingming Festival. Despite its simple elegance and easy pace, it is a stirring read. The critic Professor Huang Ziping opined, “Ge Liang has created a literary narrative language that is classical and modern all at the same time. With a style both elegant and meticulous, he depicts city life with charming and picturesque disorder and portrays the trends of the time with assuredness, achieving a lyrical aesthetic that is all his own.” According to Nobel Prize-winning author Mo Yan, “Ge Liang consciously inherits the Chinese novel’s traditions, linguistic vigor, and proprietary coyness. The most resplendent slice of traditional Chinese culture emerges within the characters of Northern Kite.”